SDK 1.69.1
Brief about SDK
No Matches
SFLOG.h File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


#define NDK_BAD_CONF   -101
#define NDK_FAILED   -1
#define NDK_FALSE   1
#define NDK_INIT_FAILED   -20
#define NDK_INVALID_ARG   -300
#define NDK_INVALID_TOKEN   -303
#define NDK_INVALID_VALUE   -302
#define NDK_LENGTH_ERROR   -301
#define NDK_LOGFILE_INUSE   -105
#define NDK_MISSING_APP_ARG   -106
#define NDK_MISSING_CONF   -100
#define NDK_SKIP_INIT   105
#define NDK_SUCCESS   0
#define NDK_TRUE   0
#define SFLOG_ALL   0
#define SFLOG_DEBUG   2
#define SFLOG_ERROR   5
#define SFLOG_FATAL   6
#define SFLOG_INFO   3
#define SFLOG_MSG(msg, LEVEL, N)    SFLOG_LOGMSG##N(SFLOG_##LEVEL, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __FUNCSIG__, __LINE__, msg)
#define SFLOG_MSG_A(msg, LEVEL)   SFLOG_MSG(msg, LEVEL, A)
#define SFLOG_MSG_CHECK(condition, msg, LEVEL, N)    if(!condition){SFLOG_MSG(msg,LEVEL,N);}
#define SFLOG_MSG_CHECK_A(condition, msg, LEVEL)    SFLOG_MSG_CHECK(condition, msg, LEVEL,A)
#define SFLOG_MSG_CHECK_W(condition, msg, LEVEL)    SFLOG_MSG_CHECK(condition, msg, LEVEL,W)
#define SFLOG_MSG_INFO(msg)   SFLOG_MSG_A(msg,INFO)
#define SFLOG_MSG_INFO_W(msg)   SFLOG_MSG(msg,INFO,W)
#define SFLOG_MSG_W(msg, LEVEL)   SFLOG_MSG(msg, LEVEL, W)
#define SFLOG_MSG_WARN(msg)   SFLOG_MSG_A(msg,WARN)
#define SFLOG_MSG_WARN_W(msg)   SFLOG_MSG(msg,WARN,W)
#define SFLOG_OFF   7
#define SFLOG_TRACE   1
#define SFLOG_WARN   4

Initialization/Shutdown APIs

int __stdcall SFLOG_INITA (LPCSTR szAppName, LPCSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *uClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLOG_INITW (LPCWSTR szAppName, LPCWSTR szLogDir, DWORD dwBackupFiles, size_t ulMaxFileSize, unsigned int *uClientToken)
int __stdcall SFLOG_SHUTDOWN (unsigned int uClientToken)

Logging Functions

int __stdcall SFLOG_GETLEVEL (unsigned int *nLevel)
int __stdcall SFLOG_LOGMSGA (int nLevel, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCSTR szFuncName, LPCSTR szFuncSig, int nLineNo, LPCSTR szMsg)
int __stdcall SFLOG_LOGMSGW (int nLevel, LPCSTR szFilename, LPCSTR szFuncName, LPCSTR szFuncSig, int nLineNo, LPCWSTR szMsg)
int __stdcall SFLOG_SETLEVEL (unsigned int uClientToken, unsigned int nLevel)


logging system support for NumXL SDK

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