Today we are excited to announce the release of a new version of NumXL: 1.55 LYNX (1.55.41040.2).
This new release is features-rich, as we added several new functionalities: trend analysis (for linear, polynomial, logarithmic, and exponential trends), histograms, spectral analysis (discrete Fourier transform), and more. We also revised the existing correlation function (XCF) to extend support for new methods (e.g. Kendall, Spearman, etc.) and added a statistical test for examining its significance. Finally, NumXL now includes a new unit-root and stationarity test: the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test. For a complete list of the changes, please refer to the NumXL release notes.
We highly recommend our users go to download to install this release.
[slideshare id=12949373&doc=numxl155release-120515223912-phpapp01]